
  • ASTM also known as W beams, come in various sizes such as W4x13, W30x132, and W14x82. Yakagadzirwa neA992 kana AT436 Simbi, matanda aya akakodzera mapurojekiti okuvaka mazhinji.

  • C-Channel Support Channels are commonly used in construction and industrial applications to support cables, pipes, and other equipment. These channels are made of metal (usually steel or aluminum) and designed with a C-shaped cross-section for added strength and stiffness. Iyo dhizaini inobvumira kuisirwa nyore nyore uye kuchinjika mukukwira zvakasiyana siyana. C-Channel Strut Chants anowanzo shandiswa musanganiswa nemaitiro uye zvakakodzera kuti ugadzire zvimiro zvekutsigira zvetsika zvemhando dzakasiyana dzemidziyo uye masisitimu.

  • are commonly used to support, frame and secure a variety of construction and industrial components. These channels are made from galvanized steel and are coated with a layer of zinc to prevent corrosion and enhance durability. Post chiteshi yakagadzirwa neSlots uye maburi ekubatanidza nyore nyore fasteners uye accessories, kubvumira kuchinjika uye kuisirwa mari. They are widely used in electrical, mechanical and structural applications to support conduits, pipes, cables and other equipment. Iyo yekubatanidza yekubatanidza inopa imwe dziviriro kubva kune hutschengetedzo yemamiriro ekunze

  • refers to a structural support system commonly used in construction and industrial applications. The “GI” in the name stands for galvanized iron, indicating that the steel is coated with a layer of zinc to prevent corrosion. Iro zita rekuti "c-rakavezwa simbi" rinoreva chimiro chechiratidzo chesimbi, icho chakafanana netsamba "C." This shape provides strength and rigidity while allowing for easy attachment of other components. Gi C-Chants inowanzo shandiswa kuimba, tsigiro uye kuchengetedza akasiyana-siyana ezvikamu uye masisitimu akadai sekuti anokona, mapaipi, tambo dzematanda uye HVAC zvikamu. Yakagadzirwa neSlots uye maburi ezvakareruka zvezvimisikidzwa, mabhureki uye zvimwe zviyero, zvichiita kuti ive mhinduro uye inochinja-shanduro yehurongwa hwekutsigira uye kuisirwa zvinodiwa. Kuverengera kwakabikwa kunowedzera kusimba uye kuramba kune zvinhu zvakatipoteredza, kugadzira gi c chiteshi kwakakodzera kune ese emukati uye ekunze application.

  • Inopisa yakasviba galved simbi slived strut c chiteshi